Please Stand By

Remember that line from the Outer Limits? I was not a fan of the 60's series, but Showtime did it up right in the 90's with great writing and underpaid Canadian actresses that were willing to go topless. Yes, I'm just a tad intoxicated. But drunk or sober, I swear there's nothing better than scifi and boobies. For me, it began with Elvira on KHJ Channel-9 Sunday afternoons in Los Angeles in the 80's. Movie Macabre had two hours of campy sci-fi and horror, interspersed with comedy bits starring "The Hostess with the Most-ess." Observe her appearance on the Tonight Show, with a really young Jay Leno filling in for Johnny Carson.

What was the point of this blog? I forget. Anyways, The New Outer Limits (on Showtime and later on SCIFI) is being released on DVD, slowly but surely. Netflix has got it, as well as Amazon if you want to purchase. This was the most cutting edge sci-fi on TV for about eight years. No sh*t. It tackled social issues head-on without batting an eyelid, and there was cursing, violence and boobies in almost every episode. Oh yeah, *that* was the point of this blog. If you're a fan of the Twilight Zone, you MUST see The New Outer Limits. Let me know what you think. Giggity.

Here's a clip of the intro:

And here's a clip from one of my favorite episodes with one of my favorite actresses, Jennifer Beals (A TRAGICALLY underused actress, IMHO.)


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